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This tool reminds me the old good Yahoo pipes. Looks really interesting.

This is the kind of tool I really love. Cool Backgrounds is a collection of tools to create compelling, colorful images for blogs, social media, and websites.

Really interesting collection of Design Patterns, on CodePen, sorted by categories. To be saved for later !

Man, the answer to this question is so impressive ! I didn't know most of the features announced in the article. Definitely worth the read !

I told you ! Actually, no, I didn't, but this is sooo obvious to me :)

Found this link on Reddit /r/HighQualityGifs - It's impressive to see how much effort is made to create great Gifs.

CSS Grid seems to be a big thing right now, so I guess this article worths the read - if you're in web dev.

Not so simple but I love the incremental learning of this post.

Convert any picture into a Lego mural, including the shopping list and instructions. May take some time to create...

This list lets you understand that blocking US websites to EU citizens is not the only solution. Useful resource!

Smartphones take too much place in our life - let make them dumber in order to save time. You're welcome!

Learn how to fold the best paper airplanes in the world.

May be interesting to have a read. I discovered some things I didn't know, which is always exciting !

Simple checklist on how business meetings should be organized. Let's be clear: I've never seen all checks marked in my professional life.